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home safety, smog, volcano -

Protecting ourselves and our homes from the dangers of volcanic smog is important. By implementing a combination of protective measures, we can minimize the impact of vog and safeguard our well-being.

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fire extinguisher, fire prevention, fire safety, home safety, safety -

Fires can strike anyone, anywhere, and at any time, and having the right tools and knowledge can be the difference between a minor mishap and a catastrophic disaster.

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Fire Prevention Month is here, and it's a crucial time to remind ourselves of the importance of fire safety.

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Properly installed smoke alarms is one way of providing an early warning of a potentially harmful fire.

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flood, home safety, how to, prepper, safety, tips -

Flood is one of the things we don’t want to come in our home.  It is best to be ready anytime to minimize damage.

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